Have you noticed a cold draught coming from your windows or doors? Does your home take a long time to heat, or do your energy bills skyrocket in the winter? In this post we’re going to share with you 6 Ways to Draught Proof Windows and Doors. Heat loss through windows can be responsible for up to 30% of your heating bill in the home, so it’s important to take action.


Find the Draught

Finding the location of the draught is vital. Is it coming from all of your windows or just a handful? Or is an exterior door the culprit? If you haven’t found a draught but suspect your windows are draughty, use a candle flame to test. Simply light a candle and move it around the frames of your windows and any seals; the flame will move in a draught.

the flame will move in a draught.

The Most Effective Solution

The single most effective solution for removing draughts and improving the insulation of windows and doors is to have them professionally replaced.

Here at UFIT Sash Windows, we specialise in high-quality uPVC windows, bi-fold doors, and solid composite doors. Our windows and doors are thermally efficient, keeping your home warm and your energy bills down. Find out more about the benefits of investing in new windows here.

6 Ways to Draught-Proof Windows and Doors

If replacing your draughty doors and windows isn’t an option right now, read on for some temporary fixes that can help you draught-proof your windows and doors. While these aren’t as effective as replacement windows or doors, they can help keep your home warm this winter.

1. Thermal Curtains

Thermal insulating curtains can be a great way to retain heat in the winter, although curtains need to remain closed for most of the day.



2. Window Insulation Film

There are a variety of window insulation films available on the market. Films are readily available in hardware stores and are a quick fix for draughty windows. Films can create a cloudy or unsightly appearance on your windows though, so may not be suitable for all rooms of the house.

3. Replace Door Sweeps

Replacing door sweeps on exterior doors can help block out draughts and cold air. Measure the length of the door when it’s closed to ensure a good fit.

4. Draught Excluder

If new door sweeps don’t keep the draught out completely, draught snakes or draught stoppers are a good temporary solution. Draught stoppers can be purchased in a range of styles to suit your home.


Draught excluder

Image Source: Etsy

5. Weather Stripping

One of the most common forms of draught-proofing, weather stripping works by expanding into any gaps when the window is closed to create more air-tight windows.

6. Repaint Your Timber Frames

For wooden windows, one of the most important things you can do to preserve energy efficiency is to protect the wood from damage. Re-painting timber windows can help to reduce moisture damage. Scrape off any old paint and thoroughly sand the area, then fill in any holes that could be causing draughts with wood filler and apply a minimum of two coats of paint.

Imagine never having to draught-proof your home again

Temporary methods can be effective in reducing heat loss through windows and doors in the winter but need to be maintained and replaced regularly. Replacing windows and doors with new, high-quality uPVC windows and doors gives you peace of mind that your home is energy efficient and will stay warm this winter.

Get in touch with the team at UFit today to find out how our team can make replacing your windows and doors simple with customisable designs and colours to suit your home and your tastes. Found these tips useful? Let us know in the comments or share this post on Facebook or Twitter.


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