Energy-saving Sash windows and Bi-Fold doors

In this brief guide, we are going to cover the importance of replacing your windows this winter. 

People choose to replace their Sash Windows for many different reasons. They may replace them in order to improve energy efficiency and in turn save money on their heating bill, they may change their windows for security reasons or to improve the aesthetic of their home. But it is important to understand that there are different types of window glass available and the glass should be efficient as well as beautiful, UFIT SASH WINDOWS offer a wide range of Sash window and Bi-fold Door options with outstanding thermal properties…

Importance of double glazed windows

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The average UK home loses about 10% of the heat through doors and windows. In order to keep your home warm during the winter and cool during the summer, efficient glazing is required. If your home is in a noisy area or close to a road, you may wish to invest in insulated windows and doors which will allow you to enjoy a quieter home.

Next, people choose quality window glass for security reasons, read our guide on secure windows, secure home. Impact-resistant glass will offer protection in extreme weather conditions and will not shatter if broken. This in turn protects not only your family but also your personal belonging contained within the home.

It is important when purchasing or replacing old windows that your home must stay properly ventilated at all times, allowing the fresh area to enter and the moisture to escape.

When purchasing new windows and doors for your home our professionals will be able to direct you towards to best option for your needs as there are several factors you will need to consider. These include choosing windows that match the style of the architecture of your home, using a reputable seller, visitor our showroom to see the windows in person and questioning what your main reason is for wanting new windows. This could be energy efficiency, noise issues or security. 

Get the right Sash Window or Bi-fold Doors for your home.

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